Project „ 3 -Galicies” within Action 3.1 of Youth in Action Programme, October 2011
Project „ Do you speak Europen” within Youth in Action Programme , December 2011, Germany
The project was realised on 15-22 December 2011 in Berlin within the financial support of Youth in Action Programme and Allianz Kulturstifung.
The project was aimed at young people aged 17-26 from 6 countries: Poland, Spain, Romania, Turkey, Germany and Great Britain. The project was initiated by young journalists working for youth magazine “Europe and Me” who invited peers from all over Europe to participate in the project. They aimed to find an answer to a question what it means to be European, what Europe means to youth nowadays.
In order to get deeper into the project idea and its outcomes please follow the link below
Project „ Now and Then” within Action 3.1 of Youth in Action Programme , July 2012, Poland
The project “Now and Then” was realised on 10-19 July 2012 in Nowa Słupia and Kielce, Poland. There were 4 countries involved: Poland, France, Bielorus and Georgia. The project met its objectives. All the participants managed to integrate well and understand the idea of intercultural learning and European multiculturalism. All the metdods used, worksops, games and competition made us realise how important the European integration is. The experience that we valued the most was the participation of the countries which are not EU Member States, which made us consider the philosophy behind the European Union as very beneficial and creative. Thanks to participation in the project we were given a chance to learn entrepreneurship, we improved organisational and language skills. A visit to Auschwitz was a chance to discuss tolerance among different cultures and nations, democracy and open mindedness. In the project 4 of the participants were from children’s home which also gave an added value to the project. The project was a big success, majority of the activities were in the open air which also contributed to promoting sport and outdoor activities.
During the project there were 4 multicultural evenings organised. They were all led and organised by participants from all the countries involved. Thanks to them we learned the history and culture of Poland, France, Bielorus and Georgia.
The project was a great chance to learn that integration is a key to success, and despite some linguistic problems we managed to learn a lot, open for different cultures and make a lot of new friendships.
Project “Gildia” – within Action 1.1 of Youth in Action Programme ,August 2012, England
The project “Gildia” was realised on 14-23 August in Preston, England. According to a tradition, every 20 years a parade is realised to commemorate guids functioning in Preston in the past. We gathered in Preston not only to learn about the tradition and history but also to integrate and learn other cultures and new skills. The project started in a beautiful and picturesque Lake District in the north of England, were we had a chance to integrate well and create a real group cooperating with each other. It was achieved by activities like raft building and hiking. Thanks to a great integration we managed to follow with the second stage of the project, this time in Preston, whose main aim was to create a film and book showing the history of Preston Guilds. The youth were responsible for preparing interviews, photos and all the project of both the film and the book about Preston Guilds. During the project we managed to visit 2 important cities Blackpool and Liverpool, the city of The Beatles. Thanks to that we managed to get to know the culture and history of England better. But the most important impact of the project was the fact that we made friendships, learned tolerance and broke stereotypes.
Projekt “Move ya - move yourself and your world. The project within Youth in Action Programme, July 2013, Germany
In last week of July groups from 5 countries: Germany, France, England, Hungary and Poland met in small village Rittergut near Erfurt, Germany. Participants of this project were in age 14-17. For all week spent on bosom of nature we integrated in European group doing different form of physical activities, plays and games. Because leitmotif of project was move there were a lot of attractions connected with it. Sporty tournaments, energizers and also canoeing and most important part of project: flashmob. It was biking ride through Erfurt’s streets aimed at disseminate our ideas about tolerance among citizens. Arrangement to flashmob started much earlier when every participant had to design his bike in original way. All group admitted that it was the most enjoyable part of all week.Really important case was also to know mutually our cultures and traditions. Culinary evening in which every group presented their own food was great idea and everybody enjoy it really much. All week flew so quickly because there was no time to bore. Project allowed us not only to improve our language but also to meet fantastic people, their cultures and learn tolerancy, creativity. Atmosphere was very friendly and time spent with this people will be very memorable for all of us.
Project "Shipping to Health" within ERASMUS+ Programme, August 2014, Hungary
In the last week of August groups from 6 countries: Germany, France, England, Hungary, Estonia and Poland took part in an international project ”Shipping to health”, which took place in a small, Hungarian town Agard next to Velence lake. Participans of this project were aged 14-17. The leitmotif of this project was health, so we were learning about heathy lifestyle. The programme contained a lot of sports activities such as cycling, yoga or canoeing. We were learning about heathy nutrition and ecology too. We were integrating by some name games, interesting workshops and energizers. Inseparable element of the European exchange was meeting ours cultures and traditions by intercultural evenings where all countries were telling about themselves and presenting they national food. Through the project we got to know a lot of thing about healthy lifestyle, cultures of the other countries and we practiced speaking English.
Project "Evanescence" within ERASMUS+ Programme, July 2015, Poland
Young people from England, Estonia, France, Germany, Sweden and Poland tried to explore the difficult but interesting topic of passing over life.
The concept of carrying out the project „EVANESCENCE” was born as a result of an alarmingly low number of births, as well as the problem of aging Europe. The project involved youth aged 15 – 18 years from six European countries: England, Estonia, France, Germany, Sweden and Polish. Each country was represented by five participants and one leader. Youth participated in several discussions relating to the issue of passing and demographic decline in Europe. For one of the workshops charismatic seniors were invited. They all, despite mature age, are still full of life, they cultivate their passions and develop their hobbies. Each country has prepared a brief artistic presentation on elderness and passing time. Then, during the workshop all versions were combined under the guidance of a professional director. The leitmotif of the final presentation was the Singer’s “Ole and Trufa”. The Final Presentation took place in Baza Zbożowa in Kielce, after the presentation the choir Antidotum consisting of elderly people performed on stage. The audience attendance was about 70 people, including nursing home patients, seniors active in various areas of life from Kielce, seniors from the University of the Third Age, as well as parents and friends of participants of the Polish group.
Movie: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ym05x